Swim Stars swim school Review The AquaPlanes have been great. The children love the colours. They are easy to put on and we’ve even found they work great upside down for some younger swimmers who...
Review from Kelly's Crocodiles Swim School "I am enjoying using the AquaPlanes in my swimming lessons and the swimmers certainly enjoy wearing them. I have found them especially helpful when teaching back stroke as the swimmers...
AquaPlane Review from Swim Focus "Having taught for a number of years using arm disks , I can honestly say over the last few months using the aqua plane has been a breath of fresh...
Review from Molly's Little Minnows Great review from Molly's Little Minnows: "We have used Aquaplanes for many years now at Molly’s Little Minnows and we absolutely love them.. we were the first from schools around our...
Review from Tracey Belcher Tracey has two grandchildren, a grandson aged 5 and a granddaughter aged 4, and she kindly wrote a review on her experience with using the AquaPlanes: "When these first arrived...
Review from Get Out With the Kids Get Out With the Kids is exactly what it says on the label and they wrote a fantastic review of the AquaPlane.